SB3125 SD2 HD2 & HB2436 HD1
Implications: Underage children can legally give consent to undergo medical treatments for pregnancy and sexually-transmitted diseases without consent of parents or guardians. Underage children will have the same legal obligations as adults for issues arising from these treatments.
Implications: Underage children can consent to receiving ANY medical treatments relating to unwanted pregnancies and sexually-transmitted diseases without parents' knowledge and/or consent. Healthcare providers are not required to seek parents' consent or knowledge for such treatments.
Implications: Healthcare providers will be legally required to not inform parents that their underage children are undergoing treatments for unwanted pregancies and sexually-transmitted diseases. Healthcare providers will actively prevent parents from being able to recieve such information. Healthcare providers will receive payment for these services and will have a financial incentive to exploit distressed underage children.
Implications: Underage children, who are unable to work, will be held financially responsible for these costly medical treatments. Hawaii children will be trapped in a cycle of medical debt.
HB2079 HD2 & SB2882
Implications: This bill will allow out-of-state practioners to prescribe Schedule III and IV controlled substances, including testosterone, without an in-person consultation.
"Schedule III drugs have the potential to cause physical dependency, but more commonly cause psychological dependency. Medications in this category are often used for pain control, anesthesia, or appetite suppression. Examples of Schedule III substances include benzphetamine, ketamine, phendimetrazine, and anabolic steroids" (Prescription of Controlled Substances: Benefits and Risks, 2023).
Implications: A person can get gender-suppressing and gender-altering drugs from an out-of-state healthcare practioner online. Children can also receive these services online.
Implications: This bill will make it more difficult to report abuse arising from / related to reproductive healthcare services, gender-suppressing services, or gender-altering services. The provision of these services alone will not constitute abuse.
Implications: If something goes wrong for the patient, the state of Hawaii will not prosecute an out-of-state healthcare practioner based on the patient's pregnancy or gender-altering healthcare outcome .